There is often a lot of hype about why sex education for teenagers is important, but it’s just as important for us adults too. Sexual desire, function and needs change and evolve throughout our lifetime, and it’s important for us to gain the necessary education to help us navigate through those changes and evolve as confident sexual beings.

A diverse range of sex education for adults is widely available throughout the world and can often be accessed via online e-courses and live local workshops. The benefits of attending are plentiful – increased confidence and knowledge about all-things-sex, increased sexual satisfaction, communication skills surrounding sex and consent, insight into why shame and guilt are associated with sex, masturbation techniques and sexual health — to name but a few. All of these topics (and more) are important to explore, and participating in a sex ed workshop may just be what you need to spice things up.

As a sexologist, I run women-only events that aim to bring like-minded women together for a fun and informative night. Topics covered include the health benefits of sex and why we need sex in our lives! I also bust a whole lot of sex myths that often hold us back from experiencing amazing sex with our partners. The atmosphere in the room is always amazing and full of supportive women who enjoy meeting other women with the same desire for an empowered sex life.

At the end of each evening I run a live Q&A that gives attendees the chance to ask me ANYTHING about sex…this is often the fun part of the night! The three most common questions asked are:

Q: I’ve never had an orgasm! How can I change this?

A: This is very, very common. Women often find it a challenge to reach orgasm (especially in comparison to men). Never fear, every woman is capable of orgasm! I suggest beginning by exploring your body through masturbation. Being able to pleasure yourself is the first step to experiencing powerful orgasm. After all, if you can’t pleasure yourself, then how can you expect someone else to?

Q: The honeymoon period is over, how can I spice things up again with my partner?

A: Sex in long-term relationships always goes up and down in frequency. The first thing to consider is organizing a regular date night with your partner. Often we get very busy and caught up in work and other life commitments, and suddenly sex isn’t a priority. Sex is something that needs to be worked on! Having a special date night once a week can often spark new ideas and committing to spending that time together is the first step to being more intimate again.

Q: I’ve never used a sex toy…what sex toy is best?

A: There is no right and wrong answer to this question — after all, we are all individuals with different bodies and desires. The best thing to do is begin trying toys that appeal to you…it may take a while to find a favorite, but if you’ve never tried anything I suggest beginning with the Yourdoll sex doll, or the Touch by YourDoll.

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